Monday, December 31, 2007

Matlab oh Matlab

hmm, I've got to test some algorithms using Matlab... and the best part is, I know nothing about it! Never used it before, but since 'a student gotta do what a student gotta do', well, the journey begins... it was pretty hard at first, nevertheless at the end everything started to make sense. Never knew that we can do a lot of things with Matlab. Now my day is incomplete without Matlab!

Selamat Tinggal 2007.. Salam Barakah 2008

pejam celik pejam celik dah pun nak masuk tahun 2008.. ari ni 31 Dis 2007 kebetulan lak aku dapat berkumpul bersama keluarga, sama-sama meraikan kedatangan tahun 2008 semoga tahun 2008 memberi lebih makna dalam kehidupan kami, setiap saat!

Tahun-tahun yang berlalu tentunya memberikan kematangan dan ketahanan mental yang bukan sedikit, dalam mengharungi perjalanan kehidupan yang penuh berwarna-warni. Tahun-tahun mendatang semoga memberikan segala kebaikan, semoga perjalanan yang dilalui diberikan petunjuk kepada jalan yang dirahmati Allah, sebagaimana jalan yang dilalui oleh para solihin dan solehah.

Telah kusematkan azam di hatiku.. Ya Allah, restuilah.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ujian Diagnostik Tahun 1

masa hari orientasi ni turut diadakan ujian diagnostik.. tujuannya untuk mngenalpasti pelajar yang bersedia dengan yang kurang bersedia.. yelah, mana mungkin pelajar tahap cemerlang belajar mengikut kaedah pengajaran yang sama ngan pelajar kurang cemerlang.. cemerlang di sini maksudnya yang boleh menguasai 2M, membaca menulis.. begitulah kata guru besarnya tadi.. hmm, berdebar jugak mak bapak.

Tahun ni sekolah tu ada 9 kelas.. punyalah ramai pelajar. Jadi ikut kata guru besar ni lagi, kalau anak berada di kelas belakang, janganlah terasa macam dipilih kasih ke, sampai kena campurtangan menteri.. eh, ada kes macam ni berlaku, tu pun menurut kata guru besar ni lah.. yelah kita pun sebagai mak bapak kena la akui, kelemahan dan kekuatan anak perlu dikenalpasti supaya kelemahan dapat diperbaiki.. tahun lepas kata beliau lagi, masa ujian diagnostik lebih separuh pelajar dapat seratus peratus markah lulus dan selebihnya 0 markah. agak mengejutkan lak. mungkin masih ada murid yang belum lagi menguasai kemahiran membaca.. tapi kalau hantar tadika mesti dapat baca, melainkan tadika yang tak ajar baca, ajar main je. ada ke tadika macam tu?

Hari Orientasi Tahun 1

hmm, hari ni hari orientasi tahun 1 sekolah anakku... so semalam barulah teringat, sebenarnya nak pakai baju apa ye hari ni? baju sekolah putih biru ke baju biasa? jadi aku pun tanyalah member2.. ada yang kata pakai baju biasa tak pe.. tapi 2 orang bagitu, "rasa-rasanya pakai baju sekolah -complete." nak tanya pihak sekolah dah x dang, sepatutnya minggu lepas lagi tanya, tapi alpanya aku nih..pastu surat dari pihak sekolah pun tak dapat.. cuma masa daftar bulan 11 dulu ada dibagitau nanti datang orientasi 30 hb Disember 2007..

tapi sebab tak sure kan, jadi aku pun pakaikan anakku baju sekolah, tapi pakai tudung warna-warni.. pastu pakai kasut biasa, bukan kasut sekolah... kononnye kalau orang lain pakai baju biasa, tak le terasa sangat anak aku..

Nak dijadikan cerita, he he... bila sampai kat perkarangan sekolah lega lah sebab tengok ada yg pakai baju biasa dan ada yang pakai baju sekolah.. oklah tu.. rupanya yang pakai baju biasa abang kakak yang temankan adik dia.. hampir kesemuanya pakai baju sekolah, cuma ada sorang pakai tracksuit, macam nak gi main. Anak aku lak, kira outstandinglah hari nih.. tadi ada terjumpa kawan aku, bila diberitahu anakku pakai tudung kaler, dia kata 'ooo yang tu ke.. ' tapi oklah tu, cuma tudung ngan kasut je lain-lain..hehe

so, parents, rasanya perlu gak prihatin perkara macam ni kan.. nampak je kecik tapi memberi kesan kepada anak. Itulah, kisahku sebagai pedoman bersama.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Kenduri kahwin- kisah dari kampung

alkisahnya, ada jiran sekampung yang nak buat kenduri kawin anaknya.. oklah.. yang tak bestnya, siap mintak petua lagi macamana tak nak bagi jemputan makan banyak.. la pulak dah.. punyalah tak ikhlas kan... last2 memang Tuhan nak tunjukkan, lauknye tak habis pun.

Sebenarnya, bila buat kenduri kawin ning, nawaitu yang betul ialah, nak kongsi kegembiraan dan kesyukuran dengan jemputan yang datang, apalagi jemputan tu memang dijemput tuan rumah lagi, tujuannya untuk sama-sama meraikan kegembiraan tuan rumah. Kebiasaanya bila menghadiri jemputan kawin, hadirin akan menghulurkan sumbangan. Sebenarnya sumbangan tu tujuannya ialah membantu tuan rumah diringankan beban perbelanjaan menguruskan kenduri buat makan tu. Ni tak.. belum lagi selesai kenduri tuan rumah dah berkira-kira duit.. esoknya siap cakap kat org, dapat berapa anu tu bagi berapa berapa... di luar, hadirin datang, lauk dah habis pun tuan rumah dah tak ambik tahu...hmmmm.. ntahlah... harapnya lepas ni orang kita jadi lebih cakna dan ikhlas.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

on the 25th of December

my daughter was born on the 25th of December.. since it's a public holiday and it happens to be in school break season, so every year we never miss out celebrating her birthday with family members especially with her grandparents.. this year's celebration was excellent where we manage to add 'spices of excitement' to the event by providing extra 'gift grabbers'.. it was fun.. Some of the family members are now looking forward for next year's event..

ever thought of people who were born on the 29th of Feb? well, they get to celebrate their birthday only in every 4 years... so, mothers, take note on the timing ;)

Kisah dari kampung- pasal banjir

Masa sekolah rendah dulu, pernah berlaku banjir paling besar la kat kg.. cuma nampak atap rumah je. sedih betul.. banyak dokumen peribadi tak dapat diselamatkan.. paling sedih pasal album gambar lah.. gambar masa kecik2 memang langsung tak de kenangan.

2 tahun lepas, banjir agak besar gak, mencecah lantai rumah. Tapi keluargaku tak pindah lagi masa tu sebab bapaku mengidap asma dan bergantung kepada nebulizer yang perlu ada power lektrik. Kata bapaku, kalau pindah tempat ramai org, dia naik rimas dan nanti susah lah.. jadi keluarga ikut je lah selagi boleh bertahan... tapi kami ada perahu so tak ralat sangat lah. Memang keajaiban Tuhan, air hanya mencecah lantai lepas tu surut..

Tahun ni, alhamdulillah banjir takdak. Semua orang lega.

Cuma tumpang sedih melihat kat TV tempat2 lain yang dilanda banjir seperti di Johor dan Pahang. Semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan seharian mereka.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Kisah dari kampung- kisah A

lagi pasal pelajar cemerlang A.. beliau dapat tawaran ke asrama penuh, sekolah elit.. tapi mak bapaknya tak bagi. Jadi beliau sekolah menengah harian biasa je lah. Bila dipikirkan, alahai tak pelah.. Amalina yang dapat 17A pun belajar sekolah biasa je kan.....

Friday, December 21, 2007

sambung belajar tinggalkan anak?

alkisahnya... terdengar juga cerita, ada ibu-ibu yang akan melanjutkan pengajian ke luar negara, tapi cuma bawak diri saja, anak tak dibawa. Luarbiasa jugak kedengarannya kan... apa pun, bagiku family comes first. Satu hari tak tengok anak, fuh boleh biol atau sakit jiwa dibuatnya, inikan pulak bertahun-tahun. memang tak dinafikan ada yang berjaya lakukannya.. tapi, kalau boleh bawak tu bawak je lah.. amanah Tuhan kan, dah Tuhan amanahkan pada kita, napa nak diamanahkan kat orang lain lak kan..

Satu terapi minda yang dapat membuatku tenang ialah pada waktu melihat anak tido.. masa tu memang bermacam perasaan ada, rasa bangga, menyesal (sebab siang tadi marah anak) dan macam2 lah... anak itu kekuatan ibu, melihat anak akan membuatkan ibu berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk merealisasikan wawasan dan impian.

sekian, seadanya.

Kisah orang bertunang- dalam dilema

Kisah lelaki A:
Nak langsungkan perkahwinan kalau boleh secepat mungkin, tapi duit tak cukup. Nak mintak bantuan adik beradik, masing-masing ada tanggungan dan komitmen masing-masing. Mak bapak naik risau, anak dan tunang dahlah merantau bekerja jauh, sentiasa jumpa tapi nak buat macamana? Nak langsungkan perkahwinan nak kena pakai banyak duit, memang masalah besar. Nak buat pinjaman tak cukup syarat. Macamana ye?

Kisah perempuan B:
Pihak lelaki dah cukup duit, ajak kawin cepat, pihak perempuan tak cukup kewangan untuk langsungkan. yelah, nak buat kenduri kawin bukan sikit pakai duit. Takkan nak mintak pihak lelaki hulurkan dulu kot? kalau diaorg nak hulur, kalau tak? malu gak.

Bila melihat dilema sebegini, rasanya sekarang ini semua ibubapa perlu berbuat sesuatu. Bukan sahaja ibubapa perlu menabung untuk pendidikan anak, rasanya eloklah mereka turut menabung untuk perkahwinan anak. Mungkin ada yang kata, diaorg yang nak kawin pandai le diaorg cari sendiri. Memanglah, kalau dapat cari sendiri dana untuk perkahwinan kira baguslah tu.. tapi kalau tak ada apa, macamana? terpaksalah harapkan mak bapak...
rasanya sebulan RM20 orang anak, kalau start umur 1 tahun sampai umur 20 tahun, eh tu dah banyak tu.RM 20 x 12 x 20 = RM4800 tu.. dah boleh lepas barang2 hantaran ngan kenduri tu kot..

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kisah adik beradik

Ni kisah adik beradik untuk pedoman bersama.

Semua dah kawin dan beranak pinak. Kisahnya bermula apabila tanah orang tua diambil untuk dibangunkan pihak kerajaan. Banyak jugalah pampasan dapat. Tapi masalahnya pampasan tak dibahagi sama rata sesama anak-anak.. ada anak yang diberi peruntukan untuk siapkan rumah sebiji manakala yg lainnya tak dapat apa.. alasannya anak yg itu sorang saja yang tak ada rumah, yg lain dah ada rumah... masalahnya, sekarang ning, duit tu dah ke mana, rumah pula tak siap-siap..

Itu satu, satu lagi.. ada sebahagian lagi tabungan orang tua yang dikendalikan oleh anak-anak perempuan tanpa pengetahuan anak-anak lelaki. Sekarang ning tabung tu dah kering dan masalah timbul apabila perlu membuat pembayaran dalam hal lain yang menyebabkan semua anak-anak lelaki baru sedar akan kepincangan yang berlaku. Jadi sudahnya adik beradik bermasam muka. Hai, dah tua-tua bergaduh bermasam muka sesama sendiri.

Masalah keluarga berantakan berebutkan harta bukanlah baru. Ianya perkara biasa. Tapi kalaulah individu yang berkenaan tidak memikirkan kepentingan sendiri masalah sebegini tidak akan timbul. Sekiranya keputusan diambil berdasarkan persetujuan bersama, rasanya persengketaan boleh dielakkan. Banyak buruknya bila masing-masing bersengketa. Sudahnya, anak-anak akan terheret sama. Sampai satu keturunan tak bertegur sapa.

Macam nilah... kalau dah ada hak orang, bahagi-bahagikanlah secara adil. Sebanyak-banyak harta pun dikumpul kat atas dunia ni, yang dibawak nanti selimut putih je. Sama-samalah kita ingatkan diri kita.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Google your way!

I simply love Google.. I search with Google (be it text or graphic), I email with Google (the disk quota is generously and tremendously spacious - never had to delete emails) and now I work with Google.. Working with Google? Yes.. and no.. I don't work for Google..ha ha.

Ever tried Google Docs? No? hmm..Here's what Google Docs can do for u.. it allows u
1- to upload your word document, spreadsheet and powerpoint file
2- to create your document from scratch and save it as doc, publish as pdf, zip it
3- to share and invite others to view or edit your doc
4- to email your file and many more

so basically you can keep and store your files and do document editing online. Having said that, this comes to your rescue in the absence of your thumbdrive.

There are many advantages.. namely
1- u could access your doc anywhere on any computer (as long as accessible to the Internet) without bringing along your thumbdrive, particularly for doing printing task (if done at different place)
2- it reduces greatly the possibility of the virus threat to your thumbdrive.
3- u could do sort of file backup here.

So, do your docs store your docs with Google Docs!

I hate reading my emails when....

1- the title of the email is irrelevant..or against the content
2- the size of the email is huge, due to file attachment. When I see this email, I simply DELETE it.

To those who like to share things in email......please...remember this :
People read emails (read: company emails) with specific purpose - to get updated news, make announcements on activities related to the organization, in shortest word length..

Thus, sending out big files containing pictures, audio, video etc will only consume people's time.. even worse, every single one of us has the exact copy of the file.. and summing the bytes together, that really takes a lot of our email server disk space! That's why some of us easily get '..exceeded disk quota..' message quite frequently. In addition, when people start to like the file and they download it to their storage drive, that will only consume disk space.

To those who like to share things in email ..please.. :
Stop sending out attachments.. just provide us with a LINK. that will do! Even better upload to your blog and invite us via a link to view the 'whatever it is that u think interesting n funny n worth sharing'.

And if possible, maybe we could suggest that the IT Unit provides a location[folder] in the server where everybody can share their files of interest... One advantage is that we can have a growing collection of multimedia files for easy browsing and retrieval.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Qualitative Data Analysis

includes all non-numeric data - words, images, sound etc - found in such things as:
  • interview tapes
  • researchers' diaries
  • company documents
  • websites
  • developers' models

It is the main data or evidence generated by case studies, action research and ethnography.

Quantitative analysis can be used on qualitative data. For example, you could:

  • count the number of times a particular word or phrase occurs in some text
  • count the number of words or pages allocated to different topics on a website


Book- Researching IS and Computing, Briony J Oates, 2006

Defining Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data means data or evidence based on numbers.

Examples of numeric data include:
  • number of people expressing satisfaction with an organization's IT help desk
  • a company's annual turnover for each of the last 5 years
  • time in seconds to process a data file
  • number of characters in a computer animation
  • number of people accessing the Internet for more than 20 hours per week
  • number of hot links on a website

The idea of quantitative data analysis is to look for patterns in the data and draw conclusions.

Book: Researching Information Systems and Computing, Briony J Oates, 2006

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Data gathering

During my progress presentation last week, I was asked about the data gathering ie, the source of the data.

So I told the panel I'd be using the established data from the TRECVID benchmarking collection, year 2006 data. However, I was also asked to consider our local data so that we have results of analysis to do comparison, etc. ... so, since my area is in specific domain, I have to go through certain procedures to obtain data from sources like National Broadcasting companies.

For now, I learn this:- to test the data, consider local context and the benchmark corpus.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

my MP4

Again, I pampered myself by getting an MP4 player.. initially I was looking for a digital device that could do voice recording for a very long period, say 10- 30 hours. However, since my research is very much related to video, then I decided to get a complete package. So this MP4 not only it allows me to record voice, but also plays audio and video files. Furthermore I can also read txt. and .pdf files from this device. Amazing ha..

So, just like my hp, anywhere I go I bring my MP4. It especially benefits me when I attend meeting with my supervisors and when I do presentations. In both situations, I just place my MP4 on a table and there goes the details. Back at home, I only need to replay and remember... Believe me, it is an excellence choice in particular for students like me hmm.. And I would also like to suggest all students to get this voice recorder, especially for those lazy note takers, it's a worth buy!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Leganya, dah lepas presentation pagi tadi..

fuh, lega bila dah lepas presentation pagi tadi.. presenting progress report ..

so, my next step of action is to focus on the experiments on chosen datasets.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why do people do research?

Source: Briony J Oates, Researching IS and Computing

You might be embarking upon a piece of research because you have to - you must carry out a piece of research in order to pass your course and get a qualification or doing research is part of your contract. But doing research because you have to is probably not a sufficient reason to keep you motivated when the going gets difficult. So let's consider some other reasons why people do research.

1- To add to the body of knowledge
2- To solve a problem
3-To find out what happens
4-To find the evidence to inform practice
5- To develop a greater understanding of people and their world
6- To predict, plan and control
7- To contribute to other people's well-being
8- To contribute to personal needs
9- To test or disprove a theory
10- To come up with a better way
11- To understand another person's point of view
12- To create more interest in the researcher

If any reader would like to get a detailed explanation on any of the above, please reply and I will elaborate as per the author's note.

-Just a knowledge sharing session-

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pelajar cemerlang 5A UPSR

Di kampung saya ada seorang pelajar ni, A. Keluarganya bukanlah berada, dan A adalah anak sulung. Menariknya, A ni tak pergi pun tuisyen kat luar ataupun kat sekolah sebab biasanya kalau kat sekolah tuisyen sebalah malam, dah rumahnya memang jauh nun di hujung kampung. Nak dihantar diambil, bapanya tidak mempunyai kenderaan.

Jadi setiap pagi A berjalan kaki lebih kurang 2 km utk ke sekolah. Dan setiap pagi itulah juga A tidak berkesempatan untuk diberi duit belanja sebagaimana pelajar lain disebabkan kesempitan hidup keluarganya. Pernah diceritakan oleh A yang ibunya menangis sambil berkata, "Mak mintak maaf hari ni kerana tak dapat beri duit belanja sekolah..". Tapi A tetap cemerlang di sekolah. Peperiksaan percubaan beliau dapat 5A dan UPSR betul dapat 5A. Pada saya, A memang anak pintar. Cuma saya terkilan sekiranya kepintaran A tidak dipertajamkan ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi melalui persekitaran elite dan bestari dek kerana ketidakmampuan beliau mempersiapkan keperluan untuk ke sekolah sebegitu..

Ibunya pula saya lihat sentiasa tabah dan pasrah. Tidak pernah meninggi cakap, sentiasa merendah diri dan kelihatan tenang. Saya sentiasa terfikir, mungkin ketenangan itulah kekuatan A dan ibunya.

Tujuan saya menulis coretan ini hanyalah untuk muhasabah diri sendiri. Kadang-kadang ada ketikanya kita alpa dengan kehidupan kita.. dan dengan membuka mata dan memerhatikan perjalanan hidup orang lain ada ketikanya di kala itu kita tersedar.. kita mungkin dapat belajar sesuatu dari mereka.

What is a research?

We do research everyday. It is a particular kind of everyday thinking.

Here is a piece of research - dealing with a puncture

Research Task in Everyday thinking

  • Identify a problem - How can I deal with my punctured tyre?
  • Gather data - Obtain prices of new tyres
  • Analyse data - What is the cheapest?
  • Interpret data - That's more than I want to pay. I need more information.
  • Gather more data - Is it reparable? Obtain prices for tyre repair.
  • Analyse the data - Can it be repaired? What is the lowest cost? Repaired vs new tyre?
  • Interpret the data - Repairing is possible. Will cost 20% of a new tyre. Repair
    rather than replace means I can still afford to go out on Saturday.
  • Draw conclusion - Get it repaired at Tyres-U-Like.

    Briony J Oates, Researching Information Systems and Computing

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Satu Transformasi Digital

Menjelang raya puasa yang lepas, banyak jugalah kiriman ucapan selamat hari raya melalui telefon yang diterima.. antara banyak-banyak tu ada jugak yang tak leh dibaca.. kenapa? sebab ada yg hantar MMS, ada attachment lah, image lah.. students lah yang kebanyakannya hantar MMS, yelah handphone diaorg pun lebih canggih dari kita..

Bila terima msg dan tak dapat baca mestilah terkedu gak.. terpikir jugak, selama ni ingatkan guna handphone untuk setakat dapat buat panggilan dan terima pangilan tu dah memadai dah, tapi skrg ni satu keperluan lak handphone yang ada 'xtra functions'.. perlu jugak nak hantar gambar, bunyi dan video.. perlu jugak ada handphone yang ada 'camera', boleh ambik gambar dan video. Perlu juga nak rakam suara.. Perlu juga ada MP3, MP4 player..Perlu juga ada access ke Internet, ada Bluetooth, ada GPRS, boleh guna 3G.. keperluannya ada.. paling penting, semua keperluan ni boleh didapati hanya dalam satu handphone..

Jadi, pada pendapat peribadi saya, sudah tiba masanya untuk kita sama-sama mendapat manfaat daripada kecanggihan teknologi sedia ada. Dan kemajuan teknologi ni pulak adalah hasil daripada 'research and development' penyelidik-penyelidik hebat yang sentiasa melakukan misi penambahbaikan dari masa ke semasa. Bukan kemahiran menggunakan alat ni sebenarnya yang kita nakkan, tapi lebih kepada usaha untuk merapatkan jurang digital dan perkongsian ilmu digital.

Harga hp? hmm, tepuk dada tanya selera... lebih canggih lebih mahal.. bergantung kepada banyak aspek contohnya berapa megapixel untuk kamera, berapa 'memory storage' dan banyak lagi lah..

** Artikel ini bukanlah untuk tujuan promosi, hanya perkongsian pengalaman sahaja **

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ada Apa Pada Nama....

Salah seorang jiranku baru melahirkan anak. Memandangkan ini adalah bayi sulung bagi kedua-dua keluarga, jadi dalam pencarian nama tu, banyaklah dapat nama-nama cadangan.. semuanya cantik dan molek.. akhirnya, pasangan ini dapatlah nama yang diidamkan.. bukan 1, bukan 2 tapi 4 nama yang diberikan kepada anak ini. Terbelit jugalah lidah nak menyebutnya satu persatu dengan lancar. Nama anakku pun boleh tahan panjang, tapi yang ni lagi panjaaang nama.

Aku berkesempatan bercerita kepada orang tuaku pasal jiranku ini. Satu komen daripada ayahku membuatkan aku terdiam. Katanya, 'Nama ni biarlah yang baik dan mudah disebut. Janganlah panjang sangat dan susah disebut, nanti kesian orang nanti nak sebut nama kita masa nak baca TALKIN.....'

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cuti raya dan raya sakan

2 minggu sebelum raya aku dah balik kampung. Dan 2 minggu selepas raya baru aku pulang ke Shah Alam. fuh.. seronoknya bercuti raya.. memang sakan la aku cuti.. sampaikan buku yg ada dlm beg langsung tak keluar dari beg... lepas tu apa lagi, bila dah balik Shah Alam, masa nak jumpa supervisor, terketar-ketar le jugak.. apa taknya, kerja tak siap.. haha padan muka..

So sekarang ni tengah berhempas pulas tengah siapkan research proposal untuk present kat kolokium tengah bulan Nov ni.. harapnya masa kolokium tu dapatlah input sedikit sebanyak untuk baiki proposal.. jadi masa 'proposal defence ' nanti (next sem) I would be well prepared..

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Streamyx

at last... I managed to get streamyx installed.

It's been quite some time since my last posting.. but I can assure you (my loyal readers), now that I have a so-called 'guaranteed on-line connection', I will be a daily reporter.. 'towards my blog my diary' mission!

I have lots of real life stories during the fasting month, raya events and lot more.. though they are histories now, well, histories are what make us today kan..

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Merdekanya lepas jumpa supervisors

So today we held our meeting as scheduled.

Since our first meeting, much have been discussed and changes take place here and there, so

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Increase IQ: Food for thought!

Source: Websites

Consume ginkgo biloba
- whether in capsules or tea, ginkgo leaves have been shown to increase blood flow to the rain, helping memory and concentration.

Drink coffee
- everything from test scores on college exams to chess games have been shown to improve after a cup of coffee or other drink containing caffeine. It is temporary effect however and caffeine may have adverse long-term effects for regular users.

Avoid sugar
- insulin that is dumped into your veins can give you sluggish feeling that makes it difficult to think.

Avoid junk foods
- especially high processed goodies such as cakes, pastries and biscuits which contain transfatty acids. These not only pile on the pounds but are implicated in a slew of serious mental disorders, from dyslexia to autism.

Eat fish
- eating fish speeds up brain waves and improves concentration.

Eat more tomatoes
- lyponene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes could hlp protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimers.

Bing on blueberries
- blueberry extract can improve short term memory loss

Go nuts
-a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent poo memory.

Pick up pumpkin seeds
- a handful a day is all you need to get your recommended daily amount of zinc, vital for enhancing memory and thinking skills.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The LR- Some thoughts for considerations

Source: Notes from PM Dr Abdul Rahman Omar, UiTM

  • What is known about the subject?
  • Are there any gaps in the knowledge of the subjects?
  • Have areas of further study been identified by other researchers that you want to consider?
  • Who are the significant research personalities in this area?
  • Is there consensus about the topic?
  • What aspects have generated significant debate on the topic?
  • What methods or problems were identified by others studying in the field and how might they impact your research?
  • What is the most productive methodology for your research based on the literature you have reviewed?
  • What is the current status of research in this area?
  • What sources of information or data were identified that might be useful to you?

Hope you will find the above useful.

Monday, August 27, 2007

50 years of Independence

So, it's Merdeka celebration...celebrating Malaysian 50th years of Independence.. everywhere we see Jalur Gemilang.. we get to watch new ads on TV, and the best part is we could hear new creation of songs.. I tend to like this new song,' Warna Warni Malaysia...' by Datuk Siti Nurhaliza..

Bangga kan, merdekanya Malaysia tanda kejayaan.. Datuk nenek berkongsi cerita 50 tahun yang lalu.. susah payah orang Melayu khasnya, pengorbanan yang menginsafkan kita.. perpaduan semua kaum kekuatan kita, Malaysia kebanggaan semua..

Yet, a couple of days ago, I read this article on this Harian Metro, regarding Minah Rempit.. Melayu.. daringly, they ride motorbikes topless. It makes me wonder, 50 years from now, what do they have to say to their grandchildren.. Mungkinkah itu satu kebanggaan?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Data Analysis

I've just finished my class.. this morning it was about statistical data analysis. I found it very interesting and useful. Dr P explained the statistic just like telling stories.. Not only she described it well and indepth but also she used easy-to-understand examples.. she started with this statement, "God creates us uniquely, we vary from one another.. " then she explained the variants.. variable.. relation, term like Cronbach Alpha, to regression and modeling. Seronok..
I've done research on SS before and I've used some of the terms mentioned. But I used because others have used them, always figuring out in mind why do we need to use those terms.. Today she cleared my doubts.. now I get clearer mind why and in what circumstances we should use the types..
At the end of the class she said this, "Please do not abuse statistic. Know exactly what u'r doing and the appropriate type of analysis involved.."
Lepas ni memang kita orang nak masuk kelas pasal regression.. banyak betul nak kena belajo nih

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The LR

They say, " for the first 3 to 6 months, you should allocate your time for the LR search."

So, my life is about it, surf for content, read and read... but sometimes I have hard time trying to understand what is being written, what more if it is technical paper.

This is what I want to share.. I came across this book, "How to be Twice as Smart" by Scott Witt, and the author has written a topic on "Reinforcing What U Read: the SMART way". He listed out the following :

S - Subject: What was the piece about?
M- Material: What important info was presented?
A - Assertions: What if any, opinions did the writer present?
R - Reaction: What is your opinion of the piece?
T -Trademark: Name one element of the piece that makes it stand apart

I try as much as possible to apply his advice and believe it or not, it makes things simpler since u know now what to get from the papers.

Be thankful.. be thankful..

I met a friend recently and through her I learnt that one of the lecturers here had passed away.. died during her confinement period, baru lepas bersalin. She had cancer... one couldn't help thinking about the baby, sedih kan.

I have one kid. The one and only daughter. People keep on asking me, 'zang, tak nak tambah lagi ke? Takkan sorang je kot? Tak nak anak lelaki ke? Nanti ko dah tua kan ko sunyi.." dan macam-macam lagi.. kekadang tu rasa macam nak tembak diaorang pun ada, sebab geram giler kan.. how I hope people could be more sensitive and supportive.. It took me 5 years just to get pregnant.. so, when there are comments like that, I would answer them , "The most important is the QUALITY, not the QUANTITY!!! So they will Shut Up. It's true kan?

Bila teringat kisah kawan yang meninggal tu, I always say to myself, Be Thankful.. Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang Tuhan anugerahkan pada kita.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

apabila lelaki mula bertindik..

Sekarang ni kelihatannya macam dah jadik satu trend kita lihat kaum lelaki yang remaja bertindik telinga dan memakai subang.. seingat sayalah, ikut apa yang diajarkan oleh ustaz masa zaman sekolah dulu, lelaki tak boleh menyerupai wanita..tak leh bertindik, tak leh pakai subang, tek leh pakai rantai emas... so, kalau pakai apa hukumnya ye?

Saya harap remaja kita tidak terikut-ikut budaya asing.. pikir dulu sebelum ikut.. kita kan ada budaya sendiri, lagi cantik dan punyai kekuatan tersendiri lagi berbanding budaya asing..

Thursday, August 9, 2007

establishing contact

In one of the sessions during my IlQam's seminar for PhD candidates, I remembered this one speaker, Dr S. Dr S told us to communicate with other researchers internationally especially with those prominent researchers.. he said, do'nt worry if they do not reply.. the email has no face value, they cannot see you.. so I did just that. I read their journal papers of interest and I emailed them. And indeed, some of them replied and provided me with very useful input. This has given me some points to think on further for my research.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

me and classes

As a PhD student, one can always sit in other classes of interest. I am always interested in attending 'Information Retrieval' by Prof Z. However, it goes concurrenly with my Research Methodology class, on Saturday morning. So tak leh lah sit in.

My friend sits in this 'Signal Processing' class and she says she is very thankful for being there in the class. Her research direction is in 'Speech Recognition' and she gets to experience the practical part from the tasks assigned. I got the chance to take part in her task, contributing my recorded voice.. so her part is to do the segmentation of the voice... very interesting..BTW, we share the same office and always have the chance to discuss on our findings, so I guess that's the beauty of it.. 'knowledge sharing'.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

me and supervisors

I can claim that I have the best supervisors so far.. they are very helpful and experts in their own field.. the very first day we met, one of them said, "You do this...investigate this.... come up with a report.." The next meeting also the same thing.. so I have to write and write and write.. thinking back in one of the sessions during our PhD Research Methodology Seminar at IlQam, the instructor kept on reminding us to always write and write..

so existence of this blog is one of the means in sharpening my writing skills. I will write on anything that relates to myself...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Mind Therapy

so here comes the challenge

i used to have an A4-sized book I called it 'my phd diary'. I write my notes in it when I attend my phd classes each Saturday. Now the pages from the book are gone... gone...nowhere no one knows except my 6-yr old daughter. I just can't believe it. I lost the notes.. the sad thing is, when I asked my daughter where she did put the pages, she simply said, "I forgot where i put it.." fuhh.. When I think about it, yes, she wanted to have that book because she always said. "mami, I want this book. It's mine." and I have always said to her, "I'll buy for you one next time." The truth is I never bought because she already has many notebooks. so, serve me right.

I remembered my supervisor once said to me, "During your phd, you might encounter many sorts of things...." I guess this is one thing sorted.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

today I met my x-students from UiTM Dungun.. pursuing their degrees here in UiTM Shah Alam,..errr UiTM Malaysia. in fact, there are many of them.. so far I think I have met about 60 students.. some are in part 3.. some just joined in..some are even graduating this year.. but they still recognize me.. tu yang bangga tu. Yang paling membanggakan bila ada lecturer kat sini inform I, "Zang, ada satu kelas aku tu hampir semuanya student Dungun.."maknanya punyalah ramai student Diploma CS dari Dungun yang sambung study kat UiTM Shah Alam ni.. I rasa semua pensyarah CS Dungun patut bangga nih..

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

so far.. being a phd student

yeahhh.. now that I'm a student, I have to act like one and be like one.. dulu mengajar, sekarang belajar.. and believe me, banyakkkkkk sangat nak kena dipelajari...

so dah hampir sebulan jadik phd student, apa yg I buat ye.. banyak juga rasanya.. yg berkenaan akademik dan yg tak berkenaan.. dari pindah umah, cari office kat fakulti, gi kelas every saturday, jumpa supervisor, baca buku, baca jurnal... rasanya memang banyak jugaklah tu.. haha

cuma, bila dah pindah duduk kat sini, dekat ngan universiti, dekat ngan supervisors, rasa lega sebab tak payah pk banyakk... tak perlu travel jauh.. umah ngan u cuma 3 minit je.. anytime nak bincang ngan supervisor tak ada masalah..

Dah lama nak buat blog ni, baru hari ni berkesempatan.

To know more about my phd journey, feel free to add my blog to your Favorites.
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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!