Thursday, August 2, 2007

me and supervisors

I can claim that I have the best supervisors so far.. they are very helpful and experts in their own field.. the very first day we met, one of them said, "You do this...investigate this.... come up with a report.." The next meeting also the same thing.. so I have to write and write and write.. thinking back in one of the sessions during our PhD Research Methodology Seminar at IlQam, the instructor kept on reminding us to always write and write..

so existence of this blog is one of the means in sharpening my writing skills. I will write on anything that relates to myself...

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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!