Wednesday, August 8, 2007

me and classes

As a PhD student, one can always sit in other classes of interest. I am always interested in attending 'Information Retrieval' by Prof Z. However, it goes concurrenly with my Research Methodology class, on Saturday morning. So tak leh lah sit in.

My friend sits in this 'Signal Processing' class and she says she is very thankful for being there in the class. Her research direction is in 'Speech Recognition' and she gets to experience the practical part from the tasks assigned. I got the chance to take part in her task, contributing my recorded voice.. so her part is to do the segmentation of the voice... very interesting..BTW, we share the same office and always have the chance to discuss on our findings, so I guess that's the beauty of it.. 'knowledge sharing'.

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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!