Thursday, August 16, 2007

Be thankful.. be thankful..

I met a friend recently and through her I learnt that one of the lecturers here had passed away.. died during her confinement period, baru lepas bersalin. She had cancer... one couldn't help thinking about the baby, sedih kan.

I have one kid. The one and only daughter. People keep on asking me, 'zang, tak nak tambah lagi ke? Takkan sorang je kot? Tak nak anak lelaki ke? Nanti ko dah tua kan ko sunyi.." dan macam-macam lagi.. kekadang tu rasa macam nak tembak diaorang pun ada, sebab geram giler kan.. how I hope people could be more sensitive and supportive.. It took me 5 years just to get pregnant.. so, when there are comments like that, I would answer them , "The most important is the QUALITY, not the QUANTITY!!! So they will Shut Up. It's true kan?

Bila teringat kisah kawan yang meninggal tu, I always say to myself, Be Thankful.. Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang Tuhan anugerahkan pada kita.

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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!