Saturday, April 13, 2013

I put lots of images on my blog.. where on earth are all those content being stored?

hmm.. every time I update my blog and share a story, I upload and share images.. as a result, I have lots of images on my blog. same goes to my gmail and google drive.. I have lots of images, docs and save lots of image files in them.. even my office email does not allow that kind of storage capacity.. 

so the question is "what technology do these computer geeks use that allow us to store so much visuals on the servers?" and " where are all those servers located?".. imagine. u and me.. and hundred millions of other people all around the world are using gmails.. blogs.. facebooks.. and we all upload tons of images.. limitless.. 

a simple query to uncle google led me to these answers: from here


Notice that in the above, down below you will see lines that say : They have to be stored in different versions for different resolutions, and they have to be stored on multiple datacenters around the world to load fast for everyone. 

So, what do they mean actually? hmm.. let's now take a look at the technology.. from here.. 


 So again, where are the servers? I googled

and I found.. from here

and from here

see this one

I tried to search for the google server in Malaysia but found none mentioned. So my search further brought me to this link.

It shows all the Google data centers available worldwide.

and as mentioned in here, in Asia alone we have data centers from
Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.


What about in Malaysia? We are one of the largest Internet subscribers.. well..not that true though.. Malaysia is at #24 at about 18 million users... China is at the top, 500 mill users. (check here)

Be patient people.. Google is not forgetting us.. 
here says that

So ok.. now that we know that Google store our data at distributed servers scattered around the globe. How about the cost Google spend just to maintain the operation? Remember, we are not paying anything to Google.. right now everything is free right..

oooo.. that much? wow.. 

Dear Google team,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to experience with all these technologies. May the team continue to successfully support and educate the world towards unity and togetherness through creative technological invention and advancement.

Again, thank you.

On behalf of the World Internet and Google Users


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