Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Agent Vinod: Film of Truth?

Ada sapa2 yang dah tengok filem Agent Vinod? Lakonan Saif Ali Khan dengan Kareena Kapoor.

Apa yang menarik sangat pasal filem ni? Menarik dik oii.. ada kaitan sangat dengan kehidupan dan perjalanan urusan pemerintahan dunia ketika ini.. walaupun setakat filem je kan.. tapi takkanlah diaorg buat filem saja2 je.. mesti ada MESEJ yg nak disampaikan kan..
nah.. cuba hayati scene di bawah.. akak siap translate kan untuk u all..
Scene ni ketika Agent Vinod sedang berdepan dengan Sir Melta, yang bertanggungjawab sebagai dalang kepada banyak agenda besar dunia.. Agent Vinod merujuk kepada gambar yang ada di situ..
[Agent Vinod]
The Zeus group..
Great businessmen like you.
Senators, ex-prime ministers.
I've heard that whenever you meet something strange occurs somewhere in the world.
Some President's death in a plane crash.
A cicil war in a small country.
Nuclear blast in New Delhi.
[Sir Metla]
Wow. Agent Vinod. You think you know everything.
But I want to add to your knowledge.
A bomb blasts in Delhi.
But the real explosion happens in the stock exchanges of New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing.

[Agent Vinod]
You would short stocks and make your billions.
But what about the millions that die in both the countries?
[Sir Metla]
What about them?
You know what would've happened to China if the stock market had crashed?
How NATO would've seized Pakistan's nuclear bombs?
And we could have solved the Iran pipeline situation.
These are complex issues.
You are a police officer.
It's beyond your understanding.
[Agent Vinod]
You will have to die, Sir Metla.
[Sir Metla]
You're here to kill me.
[Agent Vinod]
I won't kill you, sir.
You're a hero in my country.
And you'll die as a hero.
There'll be roads built in your name.
Stamps issued.
Books written about you.
Goodbye, sir.
Apa kesudahannya? Baik adik-adik tengok sendiri citer ni.. tragis endingnya..

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