Friday, January 25, 2013

The Greatness Guide #2

The author is Robin Sharma. A leadership expert and used to be a lawyer.
This book is different than other motivational books i have read. It uses a simple language structure and connects closely to our lives so that we feel like he gives a real talk. A no nonsense one.
I was introduced to this book by Mr G when we met and I shared how confused and troubled I felt at that time about a situation.. so he lend me this book but made me promise to return his once i finish reading because he said he always read that book. 2 days later he asked how i felt about the book. Asked me if i wanted to order the book and he could do that for me. So ok.. i ended up ordering 2 books of Robin's from kinokonuya... and never felt guilty about that. Once i finish these 2 books i will definitely get other books especially 'the monk who sold his ferrari'..Thank u Mr. G.

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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!