Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mujo dan Ganu kite

I read this from and I find it very interesting that I would like to share with my readers here.

Enjoy reading...

Mujo or mujur in Standard Bahasa means "fortunate" or "lucky". In Terengganu it means more than that.
Mujo is an attitude, a testament to the optimism of the Terengganu folks. I believe that Terengganunese are optimistic.
Mujo encapsulate a philosophy in itself. It means one should thank God that it is not worse.

Time for an illustration.(Cut to a scene of 3 village ladies in their kemban washing clothes by the village well)

Mok Long Selamoh: Guane doh adik mung Mek?(How is your brother Mek?)

Mok Teh Som : Bakpe pulok adik die?(What happened to her brother?)

Mok Long Selamoh: Laaa! Mung dok tau ke Som?(You don't know Som?)

Mok Teh Som : Dok tau setarang kite.(I don't know anything)

Mok Long Selamoh: Adik Mek ni kene langgor loghi kemareng.(Mek's brother was knocked down by a lorry yesterday)

Mek Beso : Bukang loghi Mok Long, beng ikang!(It wasn't a lorry Mok Long, it was a fish van)

Mok Long Selamoh : Mujo bukang lori!(Lucky it wasn't a lorry)

Mok Teh Som : Pah tu? Teghok ke?(Then? Was he seriously injured?)

Mek Beso : Kaki patoh sebeloh......(One leg was broken)

Mok Teh Som : Mujo dok patoh due due(Lucky both legs weren't broken)

Mok Long Selamoh: Tu pong mujo dreba beng dang bghek.(It was lucky that the van driver braked in time)

Mek Beso : Mujo beng tu dok laju..(Lucky the van wasn't going fast..)

(Fade to black)
If both legs were broken, the response would be "Mujo dok pecoh pale"(Lucky the head wasn't cracked).

If the head WAS cracked, the response would be "Mujo dok mapuh"(Lucky he didn't die).

If the worst happened and the brother died, the mujo would still surface. "Mujo lah bukang adik kite"(Lucky it wasn't my brother).

You get the drift.....??? Mujo. A nice word. Adopt it. Embrace it. It will preserve your sanity...

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Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!