Melihat kepada paras hormon T4 yang rendah, iaitu bawah dari paras normal 12-22 pmol/L, jadi akak pun cari la info berkenaan T4 ni.
Hormon T4 (thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine) dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid. Jadi kalau kelenjar tiroid dah dibuang sepenuhnya macam dalam kes akak, terpaksa bergantung dengan hormon sintetik dari pil tiroksin yang diambil setiap hari tu.
Kenapa perlu hormon tiroksin ni?
Sebab ia mempengaruhi keperluan metabolesma tubuh badan dengan cara:
- merangsang tubuh menghasilkan protein
- meningkat jumlah oksigen yang digunakan oleh sel
Jadi kalau rendah hormon T4 ni maka kena ditingkatkan pengambilan hormon ni lah.. ooo ok..
Free T4 - sumber
A low free T4 may indicate that the patient is hypothyroid or needs more T4 hormone. However, if the patient is also taking a medication that includes T3, the free T4 level could be artificially low. In this case, low free T4 does not indicate the need for more thyroid hormone. A hypothyroid patient with a high free T4 level may be receiving too much thyroid hormone and often requires a decrease in dose.
Patients with hyperthyroidism usually will have a high free T4 level. This generally is the first thing to improve when people start treatment with antithyroid medication. Doses of antithyroid medication may be adjusted when the free T4 and free T3 reach the normal range, even if the TSH is still low.
Ok.. so sekarang ni akak nak cari maklumat macamana pengambilan suplemen shaklee mampu membantu menstabilkan paras hormon T4 akak. Nanti akak share lagi.
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