Friday, January 2, 2009

bestnyer cuti!

During the month of Dec 2008, I took the opportunity to rest .. rest.. and rest...mind and soul.. how relaxing..

The last Dec, I had the raya gathering, my daughter's bday celebration.. not to mention the full day house cleaning.. really enjoy Dec... in spite of rainy season..

and.....A wake-up call by my supervisor made me awake... really awake.

wake up izang!
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Saya Bukanlah Doktor

Walaupun kita bukan doktor, tapi kita semua kena pentingkan kesihatan diri sendiri. Cari maklumat untuk bantu meningkatkan kesihatan diri.

Jadi kalau tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, jangan diam je. Berbuat sesuatu sebelum terlewat.

Sayangi Diri!